History of cyberpunk

Cyberpunk is a field that arose from concerns surrounding the rapid increase of technology and the developing dependency on these devices in the mid to late 20th century

1942-01-01 11:44:02

Three Laws of Robotics

Isaac Asimov introduces the 'three laws of robotics' in his short story 'Runaround' These three laws, listed below, became vital in nearly all proceeding science fiction and cyberpunk texts. 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

1948-01-01 11:44:02

Coining of the term

The term "cybernetics" is coined by Norbert Weiner

1960-02-11 11:44:02

'Cyborg' coined

The term "cyborg" was created by Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline to refer to an improved human who could survive in extraterrestrial environments.

1963-01-01 11:44:02

Modem patented

The first modem is patented by BBN

1969-07-20 11:44:02

Man Walks on the Moon

Apollo 11 astronauts walk on the moon. This incredible achievement many facets of humanity and particularly science fiction and cyberpunk texts.

1976-04-01 11:44:02

Apple founded

Apple is founded. The company will have a strong and lasting influence on technology continuing even till today

1976-04-23 11:44:02

'Ramones' released

The Ramone's debut album 'Ramones' is released and punk culture begins to take off.

1981-01-01 11:44:02

Chaos Computer Club

The Chaos computer clun is founded. Since its inception it has had links to many prominent and sometimes scandalous figures including Julian Assange. It advocates for freedom of information and transparency in government.

1982-01-01 11:44:02

The first virus

'Elk Cloner' is the first computer virus to appear outside of controlled environments

1982-06-25 11:44:02

Bladerunner released

'Bladerunner' is released, the film is set in a dystopian future where robots are nearly indistinguishable from humans, the slogan "more human than human" from the film reflects contemporary fears regarding technological advancements

1982-07-09 11:44:02

Tron released

The movie 'Tron' is released, it is the first film to combine computer generated imaged and traditional filming techniques in the same sequence.

1983-11-10 11:44:02

'Cyberpunk' coined

The word "cyberpunk" first appears in the short story 'Cyberpunk' by Bruce Bethke

1984-07-01 11:44:02


Neuromancer by William Gibson is published, the term "cyberspace" is coined. Gibson predicts something similar to the internet and usbs in this novel.

1991-09-09 11:44:02


The world wide web goes public! The technology was invented two years prior, but it was not until 1991 that it became widely available

1993-01-06 11:44:02

Wired Magazine

Wired magazine begins publication. The magazine focuses on emerging technologies and how they affect culture, the economy and politics.

1996-07-05 11:44:02

Dolly the Sheep

Dolly the sheep is successfully cloned from an adult cell.

History of cyberpunk

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