History of Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Industrial and Organizational Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace and applies psychological theories and principals to different industries and organizations. IO Psychology is an upcoming field that was established in the early 1900s. Here is a look through time at IO Psychology's history from 1910 to today. This timeline would not have been possible without the help of Dr. P. McCarthy and his wonderful compilation of information on the history of IO Psychology. A more comprehensive look on the history of IO Psychology can be found at his website here: http://capone.mtsu.edu/pmccarth/io_hist.htm

1910-01-01 01:06:14

Early Years

1910-05-01 11:30:49

The Main Men of 1910

1911-01-01 11:30:49

Father of Industrial Psychology: Hugo Munsterberg

1917-01-01 11:30:49

Psychology and WWI

1921-05-01 11:30:49

IO Psychology Gaining Esteem

1924-05-01 11:30:49

The Great Influence: The Hawthorne Studies

1930-05-01 11:30:49

IO Psych in the 1930s

1941-07-01 04:38:18

WWII and IO Psychology

1950-07-01 04:38:18

The Nifty Fifties

1960-07-01 04:38:18

60s a New Era in the Workplace

1970-07-01 04:38:18

70s and New Developments

1980-01-01 11:30:49

1980s and the Great Changes

1990-01-01 11:30:49

1990s and Today

History of Industrial-Organizational Psychology

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