Playlist of my Life

This timeline represents various parts of my life, both specific and general through songs. Brief descriptions will elaborate upon the song choices.

1996-10-09 00:00:00


My childhood was rather odd, and my family did not immerse me in pop culture. Honestly, I do not think I even knew a TV existed back then, so I feel my favorite classical song can sum up my childhood. I was always encouraged to read (not kiddie books but books like "Sherlock Holmes") and I feel a classical song is just unorthodox enough to sum up a childhood as unorthodox as mine.

2001-10-09 00:10:21

Lower school

Lower school was filled with imagination and always being encouraged to find ways to imagine... well, anything. I feel the song lyrics show and capture the innocence of lower school but still are tinged with a serious aspect that I feel I carried even back then

2002-12-09 01:45:23

Japanese School

Every summer during lower school, I would go to a public school in Japan where I would constantly hear the school bell toll. Every time I hear this chime, it always reminds me of being back in Japan as a student

2006-10-09 05:45:44

Cultural Trips

I often traveled to a lot of foreign countries, and this song would always play at the beginning of every Japan Airlines flight, so whenever I hear it it brings back memories of everywhere I have gone. Furthermore, the lyrics also lend itself to taking trips

2008-10-09 00:00:00

Middle School

The song lyrics encourage one to be brave, and I feel it captures the essence of middle school. In middle school I feel you get your first tastes of growing up, and this song captures trying to be "brave" and owning up to the new role. It was about trying new things and exploring whatever you wanted.

2011-10-09 05:45:44

High School

I feel like high school is a time to find who you are, and make your own choices. This song tells one to not just stay with the pack, but to find your own way as a person. I realize that many people feel college is the time to do this, but I feel high school almost introduced you to the concept.

2012-12-03 21:49:06


This song reflects a little bit about me in the sense that it comments upon how we sometimes promise ourselves too much and then blame ourselves for not being able to accomplish it. I feel I often do this and it's not something I enjoy but I find true. Furthermore, this is the Wimbledon theme song!

Playlist of my Life

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