Early Modern Era

This timeline is a study tool, for the Early Modern Era

Early Modern Era Timeline

1453-01-01 04:17:22

Ottoman's besiege Constantinople; Byzantine collapses

lasted for 50 days; Turks used various important war tactics such as using huge cannons to destroy walls and warships to cut the sea defense; Turks also had an extensive infantry

1455-01-01 04:17:22

Printing Press created

Came from Johannes Gutenberg; helped spread learning and Renaissance ideas

1470-01-01 04:17:22

Moscow Freed

Moscow freed from Mongol contro; the rule of Ivan the Great begins

1481-01-01 04:17:22

Creation of El Mina

Portuguese trading post. First European trading post, below the Sahara.

1487-04-30 08:36:30

Portugal rounds Cape of Good Hope

Cape of Good Hope is captured, and used as a trading post by Portugal

1492-04-30 08:36:30

Columbus discovers the Americas

Beginning of a true World history

1494-06-07 08:36:30

Treaty of Tordesillas

Treaty between Spain and Portugal, approved by the church, splitting the world in half, giving the West to Spain, and the East to Portugal.

1498-06-07 08:36:30

Vasco da Gama reaches India

First European to go from Europe to India entirely by sea. Created the route used by Europe, for trade in the Indian Ocean

1500-06-07 08:36:30

Cabral, sailing for Portugal, finds Brazil

Assigned with exploring all of the ocean surrounding South America

1500-06-07 08:36:30

Peak of Commercial Revolution in China

China was a "god" in trade. They needed nothing, and had everything. This is the peak of their dominance.

1510-06-07 08:36:30

Portugal conquers Hoa and Malacca

Securing their place in the Indian Ocean

1517-06-07 08:36:30

Protestant Reformation

revolt against Catholic church; protestants were German princes who supported Luther and opposed the pope's regression toward Luther

1519-06-07 08:36:30

Fall of the Aztec Empire

Cortes, a Spanish conquistador, conquered all of the Aztec Empire.

1520-06-07 08:36:30

Rule of Suleiman

Ottoman Ruler, who spread the Ottoman Empire across many countries, and increased power and economic strength.

1521-06-07 08:36:30

Fall of Songhai

After the Portugese conquered the Songhai Empire's capital, the Empire collapsed and taken over by Portugal.

1526-06-07 08:36:30

Beginning of the Mughal Empire

est. by Babur in India; little indication of any Mongol influence in the dynasty; became weak after rule of Aurangzeb in first decades of 18th century

1533-06-07 08:36:30

Pizarro takes down the Incas

He enslaved the natives, and took control.

1540-06-07 08:36:30

Xavier converts coastal masses of India to Christianity

Portuguese Jesuit who, by 1550, baptized thousands of souls in India, Indonesia and Japan - in areas of Portuguese influence

1542-06-07 08:36:30

Portugal reaches Japan with missionaries, merchants, and gunpowder

Portugal wanted to make Japan a friend, because it was so close to China.

1550-06-07 08:36:30

Akbar rules India/Mughal Empire

pursued policy of cooperation with Hindu princes; attempted to create new religion to bind Muslim and Hindu populations of India

1562-06-07 08:36:30

British enter the Slave Trade

Around the time first slaves were sent to the colonies in America

1580-06-07 08:36:30

Jesuits come to China

They were representatives of the European powers, and whose purpose was to secure trade with China, if not take their place

1600-06-07 08:36:30

Dutch, British, and French begin trade along India coast, displacing Portugal

The wealth and strength of these nations, overwhelmed the Portugese that were there, and so they were kicked out

1600-06-07 08:36:30

Scientific Revolution

The emergence of modern science, in the early modern period. Math, Physics, Astronomy, Biology, and Chemistry

1600-06-07 08:36:30

Agricultural Revolution in England and the Netherlands

Caused population to boom, and increased food production

1603-06-07 08:36:30

Tokugawa Shogunate

Last feudal Japanese Empire

1607-06-07 08:36:30

British and French set up colonies in North America.

They were set up for various reasons, but it was mostly for wealth and religion

1613-06-07 08:36:30

Romanov's rule of Russia

Second imperial dynasty to rule over Russia

1614-06-07 08:36:30

Christianity is banned in Japan

Christianity seen as a threat to order, and it was banned by the Tokugawa.

1620-06-07 08:36:30

Establishment of Batavia, and the beginning of the Dutch Trading Empire

Fort established in 1619 as headquarters of Dutch East India Company operations in Indonesia; today the city of Jakarta

1643-06-07 08:36:30

Rule of Louis the XIV and the building of the Versailles

Became the home of all the kings, all the way from the 14th to the 17th

1644-06-07 08:36:30

Qing Dynasty

the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during this dynasty China was ruled by the Manchu

1650-06-07 08:36:30

English, French, and Dutch establish colonies in the Caribbean, causing competition with the sugar trade in Brazil

Sugar was a big deal, so the race to monopolize it was very important

1652-06-07 08:36:30

Dutch set up Cape Colony

est. at Cape of Good Hope initially to provide a coastal station for the Dutch seaborne empire; settlements expanded enough for conflicts with Bantus

1658-06-07 08:36:30

Rule of Aurengzeb

Expanded the Mughal Empire to the largest it had, or ever would, be

1682-06-07 08:36:30

Second failure of the Ottoman's attempt to siege Vienna

1688-06-07 08:36:30

Glorious Revolution

English overthrow of James II; resulted in affirmation of parliament as having basic sovereignty over the king

1690-06-07 08:36:30


Cultural movement by intellects, emphasizing reason and individualism, instead of tradition

1756-06-07 08:36:30

7 Years' War

Also known as the French and Indian War. British vs. French. Natives fought with the French. Indirect cause/direct cause of the formation of Declaration of Independence; fought both in continental Europe and also in overseas colonies; resulted in Prussian seizures of land from Austria, English seizures of colonies in India and North America

Early Modern Era

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