Reclame Terreur

Advertising in public space.

1977-09-01 00:30:33

Billboard Liberation

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1977-09-01 00:30:33

ADBUSTERS - TV-Free America

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1979-04-03 18:42:24

Buga up

Buga up fenimitische activisten tegen billboard reclame

1980-10-24 20:56:48

Oliviero Toscani

Fotograaf van de United Colors of Benetton billboard reclames

2000-02-21 00:30:33

No logo - Naomi Klein

Geen Ruimte Geen Keus Geen Werk ______________________ The book focuses on branding, and often makes connections with the alter-globalization movement. Throughout the four parts ("No Space", "No Choice", "No Jobs", and "No Logo"), Klein writes about issues such as sweatshops in the Americas and Asia, culture jamming, corporate censorship, and Reclaim the Streets. She pays special attention to the deeds and misdeeds of Nike, The Gap, McDonald's, Shell, and Microsoft – and of their lawyers, contractors, and advertising agencies. Many of the ideas in Klein's book derive from the influence of the Situationists[citation needed], an art/political group founded in the late 195

2005-11-05 06:56:41

Anti Pub

De Franse beweging Anti-Pub is het zat. Eens per maand gaan honderden mensen, verspreid over kleine commando-eenheden gewapend met stift en spuitbus de straat op. Ze gaan de op elke straathoek, in ieder metrostration en alle bushokjes prominent aanwezige reclame te lijf.

2008-09-01 00:30:33

ADBUSTERS - TV Turnoff Week

TV free America become TV turnoff week

2014-05-05 02:30:59

ADBUSTERS - Digital Detox Week

TV Turnoff Week

Reclame Terreur

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