Haringey Council: #WorstCouncil
Take a look at the events of the last year and find out why Labour-run Haringey Council is deserving of the name #WorstCouncil
Published and promoted by C. Jenkinson on behalf of Haringey Liberal Democrats, both at 62 High Street, N8 7NX and by S. Drage on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, both at Unit 1, Streatham Business Centre, 1 Empire Mews, SW16 2EH.
2013-01-14 00:00:00
Decades of neglect leave Haringey’s community centres falling apart
Labour-run Haringey Council has neglected local community centres so badly over the years that 20 community centres in the borough are falling apart and need major repairs.
2013-03-12 00:00:00
Independent inquiry ordered into a Haringey Council accounts
An independent inquiry was ordered into Haringey Council's accounts after auditors identified multi-million pound errors in them.
2013-03-12 00:00:00
Damning independent Education For All report slams council
The damning independent Education For All report warns some Haringey schools are successful “in spite of, rather than because of Haringey’s education services.”
2013-03-20 00:00:00
Haringey Mortuary service loses human organ
A human organ was lost by the borough’s mortuary service for ten months.
2013-03-21 00:00:00
Costly mistakes of a ‘council in crisis’
High Court finds Haringey Council has acted unlawfully in a bungled child abuse investigation.
2013-04-07 00:00:00
"Haringey Council tried to crush our family"
Haringey Council is notorious for its high-profile failures in child protection. Victoria Climbié and Baby P, who were tortured to death after social workers, managers, officials and doctors ignored numerous warning signs, will never be forgotten by the public, nor the council forgiven.
2013-06-20 00:00:00
Haringey Council told to “get a grip” on its finances
Haringey Council was told to “get a grip” on its finances after it was revealed it has presided over a £6 million overspend on a project to expand a Muswell Hill primary school.
2013-07-16 00:00:00
Haringey Council’s failure to tackle squatters and fill council property costs £1.4m
Haringey Liberal Democrats have attacked the local Labour council for leaving publicly-owned buildings empty and vulnerable to squatters – at a cost to local taxpayers of £1.39m in lost rent.
2013-07-23 00:00:00
Nearly half a million is wasted on Civic Centre site which could be used for new council homes
It is revealed that Labour-run Haringey Council spends nearly half a million pounds a year on a building which is massively under-occupied. The Civic Centre building in Wood Green, which hosts the council meetings and is the base for the registrars’ service, is more than half empty.
2013-08-01 00:00:00
Shocking 1 in 3 phone calls to Haringey Council go unanswered
Official council figures show that more than 1 in 3 phone calls never get answered and less than 1 in 5 are answered within the target time.
2013-09-26 00:00:00
Multi-million pound bonus scandal at Homes for Haringey
An investigation is underway at Homes for Haringey (HfH) after it was revealed repairs staff had claimed more than £3.7million in bonuses in less than two years.
2013-09-26 00:00:00
Social housing repair workers at Labour-run council receive £3.7 MILLION in bonuses
Social housing repair workers at a cash-strapped council have received a staggering £3.7million in bonuses in less than two years, it has been revealed. One employee in the Labour-run authority's social housing arm's repairs department received a bonus of £54,292 for work carried out between April 2012 and March this year.
2013-10-11 00:00:00
Serious failings identified in damning report into abuse of Child T
Local Lib Dem councillors have expressed their outrage that Child T continued to be abused because of the failings of doctors, police and social workers in Haringey.
2013-11-11 00:00:00
Labour's housing record slammed by its own London spokesperson
Labour should apologise for its record on housing - says the party's own London housing spokesperson.
2013-11-14 00:00:00
Leaseholders face potential repair bill of £40,000
Haringey leaseholders could be hit with whopping bills of up to £40,000 each for work to their homes, it has emerged.
2013-12-09 00:00:00
Haringey only managed to fix 1 in 3 potholes on time
Figures revealed by Haringey Liberal Democrats show that Labour’s pothole blitz in Haringey has failed. Only a third of potholes reported between May and the end of October had been fixed within the 7 day target.
2014-01-09 00:00:00
Haringey send man £147 council tax demand for home he hasn’t owned since 1996
A resident was left more than a little bemused after he received a demand for unpaid council tax for a flat he hadn’t owned for almost two decades.
2014-01-17 00:00:00
Unpaid Council Tax adds £313 to your bills
Residents have been left to pay out hundreds of pounds extra a year to compensate for almost £27 million in unpaid Council Tax.
2014-01-22 12:42:29
Haringey Mayor ‘smeared’ 4,000-strong petition against west of Spurs stadium plans
The Mayor of Haringey has been accused of “smearing” the 4,000 people who have signed a petition against controversial development plans.
2014-01-24 00:00:00
'This shambles could have been avoided'
Haringey Council fails to notice thousands of people moving into industrial units - including some of its own properties.
2014-01-24 00:00:00
7 year delay for improvements on Myddleton Road
The Myddleton Road area has previously gained attention for the number of shops that have lain empty for years and for the calls from local people for the council to take more action, providing local businesses with more support. The area also suffers from the council’s failure to enforce planning laws with illegal flats being built in gardens on the road.
2014-01-25 00:00:00
Scandal of £32 million in unpaid Council Tax
Residents already paying some of the biggest Council Tax bills in London have been further hit by having to pick up the tab for millions in uncollected tax.
2014-01-31 00:00:00
Emergency housing figures don't add up
Council officers were left red-faced after getting their own housing figures wrong.
2014-02-07 00:00:00
Labour councillor found guilty of racism smears
Noel Park Labour councillor Pauline Gibson sent emails that contained "reckless" and "unsubstantiated" allegations against people.
2014-02-08 00:00:00
Guilty of lying to police: Labour councillor convicted
Senior Haringey Labour councillor Nilgun Canver has been convicted of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
2014-02-17 00:00:00
One year to repair a fence!
Haringey Council says it won't fix a fence for a year - yet millions have been paid out in bonuses to housing repairs staff.
2014-02-17 00:00:00
93 days and counting: broken window still not repaired
93 days on from being promised new windows, a Haringey resident is still left with cracks they have tape up.
2014-02-21 00:00:00
'White elephant project'
Haringey Council has been accused of wasting about £19 million of taxpayers' money on a "white elephant" project.
2014-02-27 12:42:29
The positive alternative: Lib Dems unveil budget plans
Haringey Liberal Democrats believe the council can be run much more effectively for the whole borough with a few key changes.
2014-02-28 00:00:00
Gardener sent to fix the stairs as Haringey messes up repairs
Two quick questions to see if you are up to running housing in Haringey. a. A mouldy window needs fixing. Do you send (a) a bricklayer, or (b) someone else? b. A collapsed stair needs fixing. Do you send (a) a gardener, or (b) someone else? If you answered two straight (a)s, congratulations, you’ve got what it takes.
2014-03-13 00:00:00
Residents call Labour councillor "hostile and unhelpful"
Campaigners calling for a “rat run” in Wood Green to be closed have accused a politician of being “hostile and unhelpful”. Neighbours in Ringslade Road and surrounding streets have called for Councillor Pat Egan to be removed as chairman of a meeting to discuss the problem.
2014-03-27 00:00:00
£9,000 taxpayers' bill for luxury yacht trip
Haringey pays to send Labour councillor and top staff to "champagne-soaked" event at luxury French resort.
2014-03-31 00:00:00
Legal action taken after two Labour councillors fail to pay their tax bills
The leader of Haringey Borough Council has been accused of failing to take action against two councillors who were summonsed for not paying their council tax.
2014-04-05 00:00:00
Haringey Council breaks new ground with innovative roundabout
Painting arrows that point in the right direction really isn't that hard...
2014-04-07 00:00:00
Haringey 'still failing' at-risk children after Baby P scandal
Seven years after Baby P died, social workers in Haringey are still failing to assess vulnerable children quickly enough, the Evening Standard reveals.
2014-04-07 00:00:00
Best cycle lane ever hits the headlines
Another waste of money: an absurd cycle lane from Haringey Council.
2014-04-09 00:00:00
Council failing vulnerable kids
Social workers in Haringey are failing to deal quickly enough with vulnerable youngsters, a report has revealed.
2014-04-10 00:00:00
Road contractors leave trail of chaos
A series of bungled roadworks culminated in a roundabout with arrows directing drivers the wrong way round it.
2014-04-17 00:00:00
“Frankly catastrophic” – High Court judge slams Haringey Council
A High Court judge has hit out at Haringey Council for preventing seven abused siblings from seeing each other after their parents were sent to prison. In doing so Haringey Council ignored a legal order made in 2012 to allow the brothers and sisters to stay in contact.
2014-05-02 13:02:22
Haringey Mayor Sheila Peacock used political position for personal gain
The Mayor of Haringey has been found guilty of attempting to use her position in the council for personal gain.
2014-05-22 07:00:00
Your chance to put an end to all this
Haringey Council is up for election on May 22nd. You can put an end to Haringey Labour's bungling by voting them out and instead get the positive Lib Dem 6-point plan to turn round the council.