Release Plan

This is the release plan that Entertainment Films would follow for our film, 'Pulled From The Rough'

2014-03-10 18:36:17

Social Networking

Raising the awareness of the film by notifying people via social networking like Facebook and Twitter. Everything that happens will be advertised on these pages

2014-03-24 18:36:17

Youtube Trailer Release

After filming, we would make a trailer using some of the clips which would then be posted onto Youtube and advertised on our social networking pages. By posting it onto Youtube, we would be able to see what kind of people are interested in our film via the 'Analytics' section on Youtube.

2014-04-07 18:36:17

Cinema Release

The film would be released in independent cinemas like 'Hackney Picturehouse', the 'Rio', and 'Screen on the Green'. One week release would be available at big cinemas like Cineworld. Depending on the popularity of our film, we may get a longer screening on the big screens. This would allow our audience to spread the word of our film, so more people would know about it and want to watch it. The film would be released during the holidays of our target audience, so they could come in their spare time

2014-05-05 18:36:17

Rights sold off

May be sold off to Film4 or BBC

2014-05-05 18:36:17

Streaming Release

Film would be available on streaming sites like Netflix and LoveFilm. Allowing the audience to watch the film on the go as well as at home, in the comfort of their own space.

2014-05-26 18:36:17

DVD Release

DVDs would be released in shops like HMV, as well as websites like Amazon and Itunes. Since we're an independent company, we wouldn't be able to produce blu-ray yet.

Release Plan

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