Arab Spring Timeline

This timeline shows the relation with social media and the Arab Spring in Egypt.

2011-01-15 11:05:59

The First Tweet

The first tweet happened after the protests in Tunisia

2011-01-15 18:54:44

Tweet 1

6,164 tweets.

2011-01-16 18:54:44

Tweet 2

9,970 more.

2011-01-17 18:54:44

Tweet 3

10,574 more.

2011-01-18 18:54:44

Tweet 4

11,178 more.

2011-01-19 18:54:44

Tweet 5

9,336 more.

2011-01-20 18:54:44

Tweet 6

9.063 more.

2011-01-21 18:54:44

Tweet 7

8,761 more.

2011-01-22 00:00:00

Tweet 8

8,359 more.

2011-01-23 00:00:00

Tweet 9

11,480 more.

2011-01-24 00:00:00

Tweet 10

10,272 more.

2011-01-25 00:00:00

Tweet 11

17,523 more.

2011-01-25 11:05:59

The Day of Revolt

Tens of thousand protesters gathered in Cairo. The protests targeted President Hosni Mubarak.

2011-01-26 03:39:44

Number of Tweets

15,106 more then the day before. 127,916 tweets!

2011-01-26 11:05:59

The attempt to block the Internet

Egypt tried to shut down all internet connections. Many still have internet on phones and other devices.

2011-01-26 13:40:31

Tweet 1b

18,429 more.

2011-01-27 13:40:31

Tweet 2b

10,574 more.

2011-01-28 11:05:59

The "Friday of Rage"

After Friday prayers protesters march into the streets and over 100 are killed that day in Egypt.

2011-01-28 11:05:59

Full Internet Blackout

Egyptian mobile phone carriers shut down. An Internationale phone number made to find out info on the protests.

2011-01-28 13:40:31

Tweet 3b

8,459 more.

2011-01-29 13:40:31

Tweet 4b

9,063 more.

2011-01-31 11:05:59

"The March of the Millions"

The Egyptian government tries to gain back its control. Protesters plain a huge march through Cairo.

2011-01-31 13:40:31

Tweet 5b

8,459 more.

2011-02-01 13:40:31

Tweet 6b

10,574 more.

2011-02-02 13:40:31

Tweet 7b

24,471 more.

2011-02-03 00:00:00

Tweet 1c

21,752 more.

2011-02-04 00:00:00

Tweet 2c

19,033 more.

2011-02-05 00:00:00

Tweet 3c

16,918 more.

2011-02-06 00:00:00

Tweet 4c

17,118 more.

2011-02-07 00:00:00

Tweet 5c

19,637 more.

2011-02-08 00:00:00

Tweet 6c

19,033 more.

2011-02-10 00:00:00

Tweet 7c

33,333 more

2011-02-10 00:00:00

Tweet 8c

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Arab Spring Timeline

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