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2014-03-18 22:40:09


(大意) 150 名鎮暴警察已經進去了,警察不讓水送進去,現場,請大家去現場支援,外面的朋友越多,裡面的朋友越安全,只要支持到明天,就有南部的朋友上來。請大家撐一下,謝謝。台大很多法律系教授 ( jean liu ) 也進去了,請大家一起撐一下去

2014-03-18 22:43:09



2014-03-18 23:00:09


(大意) 現場達成協議,我們承諾不再衝進去,換取可以送物資進去。 請問現場除了水還需什麼?需要鍊條把議場封鎖嗎? 有聽到睡袋已經有進去了,但fd不知道有多少 另外需要水的話很快也會需要食物 我猜 : 水,食物,睡袋 位置不同自刪,請在現場的各位幫我拍張張慶忠宣布開會散會的位置圖,之後要用,跪求,拜託拜託! 假如被限制用水跟廁所,那也需要尿袋或塑膠袋。 柳林: 張慶忠委員位子上都是中國人的名片 Link: http://ppt.cc/bckC (FB) 需要志工保護運送物資的通道 FEEDBACK 鄭秀玲:簽了協議不能改,是個謊言。

2014-03-18 23:02:09


也需要醫療專長與急救箱 ( 我看我要出動了 ... 但是老婆會罵 ... orz )

2014-03-18 23:08:09



2014-03-18 23:09:28



2014-03-18 23:19:28


訴求: "會議無效,實質審查"

2014-03-18 23:20:28



2014-03-18 23:22:28


(沃草 FB) 現場還缺睡袋與保暖物品

2014-03-19 00:02:09



2014-03-19 00:04:09


黃國昌:歡迎所有朝野立委對話,清楚做出承諾。承諾很簡單:會議無效,實質審查。 •Huang: we welcome legislators from both parties to come and make promises. The promise is single: the committee meeting that announced the treaty is reviewed, to be declared invalid

2014-03-19 00:15:09

00:15 [院內]

黃國昌:蘇貞昌到達現場。呼籲王金平到現場阻止鎮暴警察進入 •DPP party leader Su Chen-Chang has arrived. Su calls on Legislative Yuan leader Wang Jin-Ping to stop the police from entering the building.

2014-03-19 00:18:09


柯文哲達到現場 •Opposition Taipei Mayor Candidate Dr. ke Wen-Che has arrived

2014-03-19 01:00:09

01:00 [院內]


2014-03-19 01:05:09

01:05 [院內]


2014-03-19 01:09:09

01:09 [院內]


2014-03-19 01:11:09


民進黨蘇貞昌、蔡英文 、游錫堃到達議場外靜坐 •DPP heavyweights Su Chen-Chang, Tsai Ying-Wen and You Hsi-Kun have arrived and are joining the sitting protest outside the Legislative Yuan

2014-03-19 01:15:09



2014-03-19 02:29:09

02:29 [院內]

開始討論警察攻堅怎麼保護自己 • Discussions on how to protect themselves against police assault have started.

2014-03-19 02:35:09

02:35 [院內]

公民集合在議場中心靜坐 •Citizens gather at the center of the chamber and sit-in

2014-03-19 03:34:09


警察試圖從三號門衝進會場 •Police attempted to enter the Chamber through gate 3

2014-03-19 03:48:09


會場口號是「警察後退」 •The crowd is chanting "Police back off"

2014-03-19 05:33:09

05:33 [院內]

八號門攻防,場內椅子已經被拉光,改以人牆阻擋。 •Conflict at gate 8, the chairs barricading the door have been pulled away; the students inside are barring the door by themselves. 糾纏十數分鐘後,警察離開 •The police retreat after several minutes of engagement.

2014-03-19 05:40:09

05:40 [院內]

「現場指揮官請你聽清楚,青島東路上 1000 多位民眾,你現在敢進來拉任何一個人出去,他們馬上衝進來。」 •Announcement made by the students inside the meeting hall: To the (police) commmander on-site, there are over 1,000 people gathered outside Ching-dao East St. If you attempt to pull anyone out again, they will storm the building. 部份中南部聲援民眾搭遊覽車到達場外 •Some of the buses carrying protesters from central and southern Taiwan have arrived outside the area.

2014-03-19 05:47:09


衝突暫緩,警力尚未撤離。 •The conflict has subsided, but the police haven’t retreated yet.

2014-03-19 05:52:09


倒數 100 秒 •100 seconds until action.

2014-03-19 05:53:09


衝突再起 •Conflict arises again.

2014-03-19 05:58:09


有人被拉出去 •Some people have been forcibly carried out (by the police).

2014-03-19 06:00:09


場外民眾進入議會廳外走廊 •The protesters from outside have gained access to the outer corridors of the parliament building.

2014-03-19 06:14:00


某立委站在八號門阻擋警察 •A certain legislator is at gate 8, blocking the police.

2014-03-19 18:35:00

18:35 [院內]

持續送冰塊至會場中 •More ice cubes are being sent into the building.

2014-03-19 19:08:00

19:08 [院內]

立法院內部插座被斷電,目前已經確認是院內跳電導致,稍後狀況會排除,但部分電風扇將減少使用 •The parliament building’s power has been cut off, apparently due to a melted fuse. The situation will be fixed soon, but we’ll start using less fans in the conference room.

2014-03-19 19:19:00

19:19 [院內]

內場開始動作了! •There is activity in the building!

2014-03-19 19:30:00

19:30 [濟南]

黑手那卡西樂團演出 •(Jinan) The band Black Hands (Hei Shou) is performing at Jinan street.

2014-03-19 19:35:00

19:35 [院內]

主持人正在向場內所有參與者重複宣達有關如何和驅逐參與者的警察對峙,以及其他相關注意事項 •(Meeting room) The director inside the building is reminding the protesters how to face the police that are sent in to dirve them out.

2014-03-19 19:43:00

19:43 [青島]

在現場持續進行民主教育 •(ChingDao) We’re continuing to educate the public on democracy.

2014-03-19 19:52:00

19:52 [濟南]

活動現場晚點需要約200位志工交接 •(Jinan) We’ll need about 200 more volunteers for tonight’s shift.

2014-03-19 20:02:00

20:02 [濟南]

現場口號:反對服貿、反對醫療商品化 •(jinan) The crowd is chanting, oppose the Service and Trade Agreement! Oppose merchandizing medical treatment!

2014-03-19 20:18:00

20:18 [院內]

直播斷訊約5分鐘後復活。目前院內狀況還算良好,但目前缺行動電源。 •{Meeting Room}The live feed is back after a five minute blackout. The situation in the meeting room is stable, but we are still in need of mobile chargers.

2014-03-19 20:33:00

20:33 [青島]

目前直播斷線將近半小時,目前已經於20:42收到最新直播連結。 •(ChingDao) Live broadcast disconnected for almost 30 minutes,

2014-03-19 20:35:00

20:35 [青島]

民眾:警備車出現 •(ChingDao) People say trucks are arriving. •ing to educate the public on democracy.

2014-03-19 20:36:00

20:36 [青島]

現場口號:警察離開 •(ChingDao) Slogan: Police, please leave.

2014-03-19 20:37:00

20:37 [濟南]

現場口號:反服貿、護小孩;反服貿、護家庭;反服貿、護未來。 •(JiNan) Crowd’s slogan: Oppose the Service and Trade Agreement, protect our children. Oppose the Service and Trade Agreement, protect our families. Oppose the Service and Trade Agreement, protect our future.

2014-03-19 20:55:00

20:55 [青島]

現場口號:拒絕服貿,守候民主,堅持到底,堅持到底! •(ChingDao) Crowd’s slogan: Reject the Service and Trade Agreement, watch over democracy, never give up. Never give up!

2014-03-19 21:01:00

21:01 [青島]

緊急徵求代班現場直播 •(ChingDao) Urgently requesting a stand-in broadcaster on-site.

2014-03-19 21:03:00

21:03 [青島]

現場演唱:你敢有聽着咱唱歌 •(ChingDao) The crowd is singing a Taiwanese version of the song "Do you hear the people sing"

2014-03-19 21:22:00

21:22 [院內]

主持人:本活動堅持非暴力原則,請大家勿對警方有任何攻擊等動作。 •(Meeting Room) Director: We insist on upholdingnon-violent principles. Please do not attack the police in any way.

2014-03-19 21:24:00

21:24 [院內]

主持人:青島東路現在有超過一萬人聚集! •(Meeting Room) Director: There are now more than 10,000 people gathered on ChingDao Road!

2014-03-19 21:25:00

21:25 [院內]

現場口號:退回服貿,捍衛民主,堅持到底,佔領國會。 •(Meeting Room) Crowd’s slogan: Reject the Service and Trade Agreement, safeguard democracy, never give up, Occupy the Legislative Yuan!

2014-03-19 21:40:00

21:40 [院內]

主持人在場內所有人員談何謂服貿 •(Meeting Room) The Director is discussing the Service and Trade Agreement with everyone present.


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