History of the Samurai

The Samurai have a quite interesting history. They started off in the 1100's and ended their existence in 1835.

The Samurai class existed in Japan for over a thousand years. However, they were not just elite warriors, but also as simple Buddhists who embraced beauty and culture, and were often skilled artists. The Samurai followed the code of Bushido (which often clashed with Buddhism) that taught to value personal honor above anything and everything, and shaped Japanese warriors even after the Samurai period. They valued honor so much that they would commit Supuku, ritual suicide, to regain honor or to enhance their reputation, and be remembered as a great person who died an honorable death.

1185-07-30 13:47:22

The Beginning of the Samurai

As the Damiyo were ruling, they decided they needed someone to protect their land.

1189-12-31 10:58:52


Bushido, meaning "Way of the Warrior", was the code of conduct that directed the Samurai, slightly similar to chivalry.

1330-09-01 03:33:18


Samurai were quite connected to their Japanese culture. They painted, sculpted, and wrote poetry.

1400-01-01 13:32:20

The Shoguns Lose Power

By the 1400's, the Shoguns lost power most power, and the Damiyo own large pieces of most of the land, and the fighting started.

1543-09-01 03:33:18


The most famous weapon of the samurai is the katana, a curved sword. A katana was always accompanied by the wakizashi, a shorter sword with a broader blade. Together, they are referred to as the "Daisho", which means "large and small."

1600-01-01 03:33:18


A samurai is instantly recognizable due to his distinctive armor and helmet. Although early samurai armor wore solid plates, lamellat armor is what really represents the Samurai.

1630-01-01 13:32:20

How the Samurai Trained

The amount and form of a samurai's training depended on the wealth of his family. In lower-class families, sons were sometimes sent to village schools for basic education, but they received most of their Samurai training from their fathers, older brother, or uncles.

1835-09-01 03:33:18


The decline of the Samurai started with Tokugawa's period of peace and isolation.

History of the Samurai

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