Learning Environments and JISC CETIS

Key developments around Learning Environments in the UK and the role that JISC CETIS has played.

One of the advantages of having being involved with JISC for a number of years (as a project and a service) is the opportunity to reflect on some activities that we've been involved in for some time. We thought it would be interesting to take the long view of some of our involvement with learning environments and reflect on what has worked and why, and where we think these activities are going next.

1999-06-30 20:29:02

Colloquia learning environment

Oleg Liber, CETIS Director established a peer to peer learning environment in Colloquia with Bill Olivier and Phil Beauvoir

1999-11-17 16:03:19

Framework for the Pedagogical Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environmentss

Report, funded by JISC, by Sandy Britain and Oleg Liber

2000-01-01 07:30:16

IMS Enterprise released

XML format specification to support exchange of data

2000-01-27 07:30:16

SCORM version 1.0 released

Sharable Content Object Reference Model. Internationally recognized collection of standards for exchanging Internet based e-Learning content

2000-07-01 20:29:02

JISC Building MLEs in Higher Education programme

Explored developments to test, evaluate, and prove (or in some circumstances disprove) the generic deployment of technology in support of improved learning.

2001-05-01 20:29:02

JISC INSPIRAL research study

Research study commissioned to critically analyse the issues associated with linking Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and digital libraries. The study undertook a literature review and a consultation exercise with a wide range of stakeholders including learners and a variety of staff across FE and HE institutions, government departments and bodies and commercial organisations.

2001-07-02 00:36:04

CETIS Educational Content Special Interest Group starts

Known as the EC SIG this community based group met regularly to explore issues and share information around educational content.

2001-08-31 07:30:16

IMS Content Packaging specification v 1.1.2

Provides the functionality to describe and package learning materials, such as an individual course or a collection of courses, into interoperable, distributable packages. Content Packaging addresses the description, structure, and location of online learning materials and the definition of some particular content types.

2002-03-01 07:30:16

JISC MLEs for Lifelong Learning

Programme which aimed to respond to the need to support learners as they move between institutions of Further and Higher Education, and between Higher and Further Education.

2002-07-11 20:29:02

IMS Enterprise Final specification

Final specification released.

2002-09-12 16:03:19

MLE infokit

CETIS contributed to the content of the JISC Infonet infokit on creating a manageld learning environment

2002-10-01 07:30:16

JISC DiVLE programme

Linking Digital Libraries with VLEs(DiVLE) programme. Aimed to explore the technical, pedagogical and organisational issues of linking digital library systems and VLEs.

2004-01-29 07:30:16

SCORM 2004 released

Still the current version. Resolved some ambiguities of previous versions. information about success status for multiple learning objectives or competencies across content objects and across courses for the same learner within the same learning management system.

2004-02-26 20:29:02

Framework for the Pedagogic Evaluation of eLearning Environments

JISC funded follow on study from the 1999 paper on VLEs by Sandy Britain and Oleg Liber

2004-03-04 00:00:00

e-Learning Framework

initiative by the JISC and Australia's Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) to build a common approach to Service Oriented Architectures for e-learning.

2004-04-01 16:03:19

JISC Distributed eLearning programme

Developed technologies and explored cultural and organisational issues around the use of technology to support lifelong learning, particularly with regional and subject communities.

2004-07-14 07:30:16

IMS Enterprise Services released

The Enterprise Specification defined the data formats for exchanging basic student and course data between systems, but did not specify how to exchange information. The Enterprise Services Specification defines how to manage the exchange of information between systems.

2004-11-04 16:03:19

PLE session at CETIS Conference 2004

Several presentations and discussions focussng on PLEs

2005-08-01 16:03:19

JISC Personal Learning Environments (PLE) reference model

Project team based at CETIS aimed to develop a definition, scope and a reference model for PLEs and developed desktop and portal based prototypes.

2005-11-15 16:03:19

PLE session at CETIS Conference 2005

The Personal Learning and Research Environment working group recommended that work should continue on research, development, and deployment of a prototype environment.

2006-10-09 07:30:16

IMS Common Cartridge specification

Standard for digital educational content and e-Learning systems.

2007-11-01 07:30:16

Google launches openSocial Foundation

OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites.

2008-01-26 00:36:04

Widget session at CETIS Conference 2008

Planning and designing learning in a world of widgets and Web 2.0

2008-04-14 07:30:16

W3C Widget Landscape Study

Surveyed a group of market-leading widget user agents with the aim to inform the requirements of the Widgets 1.0: Requirements document.

2008-05-01 16:03:19

Simple Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)

Developed in anticipation of a formal specification. Enabled quick integration of externally hosted tools into Learning Management Systems.

2008-07-18 16:03:19

Creating flexible user applications using widget technologies

Interview by Christina Smart with Scott Wilson about the potential for using widgets in educational technologies

2008-11-01 16:03:19

JISC Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology programme

tSupporting institutions to ransform how they deliver and support learning across a curriculum area through the effective use of technology, in response to a particular challenge faced by the discipline(s), department(s) or institution(s) involved.

2009-01-28 11:34:00

Educational Content Widget's Working Group

First meeting of working group formed after discussions at CETIS Conference meeting 2008

2009-03-19 20:29:02

Service Oriented Architechture information pack

Technology change in HE and FE: an SOA approachaimed at people with responsibility for strategic planning, deployment, and implementation of IT systems, Sarah Holyfield and Christina Smart, Editors

2009-03-31 20:29:02

SCORM 2004 4th edition released

The addition of Simple Sequencing turned out to be quite a radical change that caused implementors significant problems. Most people stuck to 1.2, which had an impact on it's ongoing use in HE

2009-07-17 16:03:19

Wookie becomes an Apache Incubating project

Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized.

2009-11-10 20:29:02

Learning Environments session at CETIS Conference 2009

Composing your Learning Environment: new models

2010-01-13 20:29:02

Standards and SCORM position paper

ADL Position paper by Dan Rehack for CETIS event Future of Interoperability Standards Meeting 2010

2010-02-01 16:03:19

Basic Learning tools Interoperability (LTI)

Basic LTI is a subset or profile of the full LTI v1.0 specification.

2010-02-17 20:29:02

Distributed Learning Environments briefing paper

By Sheila MacNeill and Wilbert Kraan

2010-02-26 16:03:19

IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)v1.0

Service-oriented approach which allows remote tools and content to be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS)

2010-03-04 13:41:41

Distributed Learning Environments meeting

Distributed learning environments - re-inventing the VLE

2010-07-01 16:03:19

JISC Distributed VLE Programme

Investigated how institutions can widen the functionality of their VLEs in an interoperable way, to meet identified user needs.

2010-11-02 11:34:00

CETIS webinar on IMS LTI Developments

Chuck Severance offered an update on developments with simple outcomes and LTI.

2010-11-15 16:03:19

Educational Systems session at Cetis Confererence 2010

Integrating and Subverting Corporate Systems for Educational Purposes

2011-01-25 16:03:19

DVLE webinar showcase

Three Strand A projects from the current JISC funded DVLE programme, took part in an online showcase to share their outcomesfrom their six month development phase

2011-03-23 13:41:41

CETIS Widgetbash

Two day event provided widget building tutorials from the Apache Wookie (incubating ) team, examples of developments of institutional approaches to building and deploying a range widgets and mobile applications from the JISC DVLE programme programme and the iTech project

2011-07-07 16:03:19

CETIS webinar IMS LTI and LIS in Action

Stephen Vickers ( University of Edinburgh) provided an overview of the integrations the ceLTIc project have been able to achieve using basic LTI.

2012-01-16 16:03:19

DVLE Virtual brown Bag Webinar

The W2C and SLEP projects gave an overview of the work around developing access to greater and more personalised information for students.

Learning Environments and JISC CETIS

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