Ivan the Terrible

This is a timeline of the tyrant ruler of Russia known for conquering.

1530-08-25 00:00:00

Ivan the terrible is born

1533-01-01 00:00:00

Ivan the terribles father died

He got blood poisoning.

1533-01-02 23:31:50

Ivan becomes grand prince

1550-01-01 00:00:00

Russia gets an army of stretlets

Ivan would take people from Russia and make them a stretlet. He would just take a random person.

1552-01-01 00:00:00

Ivan conquered Kazan

Since Ivan conquered Kazan it became part of Russia.

1560-01-01 11:34:03

Russia starts to get raided a lot

Russia was raided by the 40,000 Turks and Crimeans.

1564-01-01 00:54:19

Ivan leaves Russia

Ivan left Moscow because he wanted to give up his throne. The word for this is abdicate.

1570-01-01 11:07:53

Ivan destroyed Novgorod

Ivan sent his special army called the oprinchka to destroy Novgorod.

1570-12-02 11:07:53

A plague comes to Russia

The plague killed thousands and thousands of people.

1572-01-01 11:07:53

Ivan the terrible's army got destroyed

They got destroyed by the turks, Crimean Tatars and Lithuanians. One of Ivan's advisors, changed to the Lithuanian's team and attacked Russia.

1580-01-01 11:07:53

Ivan conquers Siberia

This is the reason why Siberia is part of Russia. Siberia use to be its own country

1584-01-01 00:00:00

Ivan dies while playing chess

No one knows what happened.

Ivan the Terrible

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