History of the Internet

The internet has only been around for about 50 years but when you think about all things that have happened since it was first introduced you would amazed. In this timeline i will expain a few things that have happened since the internet was first introduced.

1969-10-29 00:00:00


Arpanet was the first real network to run on packet switching technology (new at the time). On the October 29, 1969, computers at Stanford and UCLA connected for the first time. In effect, they were the first hosts on what would one day become the Internet. The first message sent across the network was supposed to be "Login", but reportedly, the link between the two colleges crashed on the letter "g".

1970-07-28 12:01:06


Computer engineer, Ray Tomlinson invented internet based email in late 1971. Ray Tomlinson worked as a computer engineer for Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), the company hired by the United States Defense Department to build the first Internet in 1968.Ray Tomlinson chose the @ symbol to tell which user was "at" what computer. The @ goes inbetween the user's login name and the name of his/her host computer.

1977-07-28 12:01:06

the first pc modem

1977 was a big year for the development of the Internet as we know it today. It’s the year the first PC modem, developed by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington, was introduced and initially sold to computer hobbyists.

1978-02-01 00:00:00


Unsolicited commercial email message others may know it as spam was first introduced in 1978 when it was sent out to 600 california arpanet users by Gary Theurk.

1979-02-01 00:00:00


MUD (multiuser dungeon) was the earliest form of multiplayer games. MUD was entirely text based virtual worlds, combining elements of role playing games interactive, fiction and online chat.

1982-02-01 00:00:00

the first emoticon

The first emoticon was invented in 1982 when Scott fahlman used :-) after a joke. Right then the modern emoticon was born.

1988-02-01 00:00:00

internet relay chat

IRC (internet relay chat) was invented in 1988 it is an online messaging service and has paved the way for the real time chat that we use today.

1991-02-01 00:00:00

the first webcam

The first webcam was created at cambridge university in 1991 to monitor a coffee pot to save multiple trips to an empty pot.

1998-02-01 00:00:00


Created by larry page and sergey brin, google revolutionized and enhanced the way people would find information online.

2007-02-01 00:00:00

the iphone and the mobile web

The biggest innovation of 2007 was most definitely the release of the iphone, it renewed interest in the mobile web as well as applications and design.The iphone was created by the late steve jobs.

History of the Internet

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