Timeline: Legacy of Civil Rights Pioneers, Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore
A look at Civil Rights activists, Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore and the impact they left in Brevard County and the nation.
Research and reporting, FLORIDA TODAY archives;xNLx;;xNLx;Timeline, media components produced by Caroline Perez, FLORIDA TODAY
1902-01-01 22:05:30
Harriette Vyda Sims was born.
1905-01-01 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore was born in the Florida Panhandle to Johnny and Rosa Moore.
1925-01-01 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore graduated from Florida Memorial College. He moved to Cocoa to teach fourth grade at Cocoa's only black elementary school.
1926-01-01 22:05:30
Married (Audio, Photos)
Harry T. Moore and Harriette Vyda Sims wed.
1927-01-01 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore was hired as principal of the Titusville Colored School.
1934-01-01 22:05:30
Protests (Audio, Photos)
Harry T. Moore protested and investigated Florida Lynchings.
1934-09-03 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore organized the first NAACP chapter in Brevard County.
1936-09-01 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore was hired as principal and fifth/sixth grade teacher at Mims Colored Elementary School.
1937-01-01 22:05:30
Teacher Salaries
In conjunction with all-black Florida State Teacher's Association, Harry T. Moore organized a group to file the first lawsuit in the 'deep south' to equalize black and white teacher salaries.
1944-01-01 22:05:30
Florida Progressive Voter's League
Harry T. Moore formed the Florida Progressive Voter's League and became executive director.
1946-01-06 22:05:30
Harry T. Moore and wife, Harriette, were fired as Brevard County teachers.
1946-06-28 22:05:30
Job Changes
Harry T. Moore becomes paid state NAACP executive secretary.
1950-01-01 22:05:30
Under Fire (Audio, Photos)
Harry T. Moore is under fire for his work on the Progressive Voters League and NAACP.
1951-11-24 22:05:30
Moore loses NAACP job
Representatives from the NAACP National Headquarters attempted to removed Harry Moore as Executive Secretary.
1951-12-25 22:05:30
Bomb Blast (Audio, Photos)
The Moore’s home in Mims was bombed. It was also the Moore’s 25th wedding anniversary.
1951-12-26 22:05:30
Breaking News (Audio, Photos)
The late Robert Hudson was the first on the scene to take breaking news photographs the day after Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore's death.
1952-01-01 22:05:30
FBI Investigation
The FBI investigated the Moore murders, focusing on three Klansmen.
1952-01-01 22:05:30
Funeral services were held for Harry Moore. He was 46.
1952-01-02 22:05:30
Harriette passes away
Harriette Moore died from her injuries.
1952-01-05 22:05:30
Protests over the Moores’ deaths are held across the U.S.
1952-01-08 22:05:30
Laid to Rest
Funeral services were held for Harriette Moore. She was 49.
1955-01-01 22:05:30
Case Closed
The FBI closes its investigation into the Moores’ deaths.
1978-01-01 22:05:30
Another Look at the case
Brevard County Sheriff Rollin Zimmerman reopened the Moore bombing case and asked for tips. A terminally ill Klansman, Joseph Neville Cox, was paid $5,000 to kill Moore. The informant dies before he is convinced to testify in front of a grand jury.
1991-01-01 22:05:30
Case Reopened
Gov. Lawton Chiles orders the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to reopen the Moore bombing case. Former Lake County Sheriff Willis McCall, then 81, denies accusations the he financed the bombing.
1992-01-01 22:05:30
The Moore's murder investigation was found inconclusive and closed.
1994-01-01 22:05:30
Replica Home To Be Built (Video, photos)
The original Moore family home site, was purchased by Brevard County.
2004-01-01 22:05:30
Crist Reopened the Case
Attorney Gen. Charlie Crist reopened the case and asked for physical evidence, as well as memories or conscience-clearing confessions.
2004-04-01 22:05:30
Dedication (Audio, Photos)
The dedication of the Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Memorial Cultural Center takes place.
2006-08-16 22:05:30
Conclusion (VIDEO)
Crist said his office determined the four men, who are now dead, responsible for planning the Moores’ murder: Earl Brooklyn, Tilman Belvins, Joseph Cox and Ed Spivey. All these names had been familiar to investigators for years.
2010-10-05 22:05:30
VIDEO: Smithsonian looks to preserve Moore history
A planned $500,000 expansion of the Moore Cultural Complex, coupled with interest from the Smithsonian, is expected to increase knowledge of pioneering civil-rights leaders Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore of Mims. (FLORIDA TODAY article "State grants $500,000 to expand Moore center in Mims").
2011-08-20 22:05:30
VIDEO: Moore Cultural Complex expansion
The Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Memorial Park and Cultural Center now houses twin reflecting pools, a fountain, meditation garden and gazebo. The new additions were paid for by a state grant. By Caroline Perez. Published date Aug. 20, 2011
2011-12-12 22:05:30
VIDEO: Honoring slain Civil Rights activists
Legislature is being looked at by the state of Florida to name SR 46 in Mims after Harry T. and Harriette Moore, who were slain Civil Rights activists. By Craig Rubadoux and Tim Walters. Published date: Dec. 12, 2011
2011-12-23 22:05:30
Brevard Education (VIDEO, AUDIO)
Brevard County History teachers raise awareness of civil rights pioneers.