Engineering Development

This interactive timeline will include information on the historical development of engineering, as well as technologies and processes developed in the fields.

0001-12-01 00:00:00

Vitruvius' De Archiectura

Vitruvius' De Archiectura is published as a book of engineering and a guide to building.

0300 BC-12-01 00:00:00


Archimedes’ civil engineering work such as understanding of buoyancy, and practical inventions such as the Archimedes screw, which are still used in today’s engineering.

1450-02-01 07:47:40

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu was built by the Inca. It included drainage systems and structures so advanced that they survived for thousands of years.

1790-12-01 00:00:00


Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery.

1865-12-01 00:00:00

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel published his findings on the genetic breeding of peas, which became the foundation for modern genetic engineering.

1903-01-01 07:26:51

First Airplane

Wilbur and Orville Wright complete the first successful flight with a powered and controlled airplane.

1917-08-01 00:54:55

Junker J4

Hugo Junkers creates the Junker J4, a relatively lightweight, all-metal airplane.

1935-12-01 00:00:00


Sir Robert Watson-Watt patents the first practical radar, to be used for radio detection and ranging.

1935-12-01 00:00:00

Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam, which, even in modern day, controls floods, provides irrigation to the area and produces hydroelectirc power, is built.

1937-11-01 03:37:02

Golden Gate Bridge

Joseph Strauss engineers the Golden Gate Bridge, a strong suspension bridge in an earthquake prone area. This bridge marks a major milestone in civil engineering.

1956-12-01 00:00:00

Discovery of Carbon Fibers

Carbon Fibers - lighter, stronger, and more flexible than steel, they are now used in a vast range of products. Carbon fibers have revolutionized the manufacturing of both everyday items, and unusual items. Carbon fibers were discovered in 1956, though there is no exact date of discovery. However, they have indeed revolutionized manufacturing, and today, carbon fibers are an essential ingredient in many, many products.

1973-12-01 00:00:00

DNA Cloning

Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer invented the technique of DNA cloning.

2550 BC-11-01 03:37:02


Imhotep, the first documented engineer built a famous step pyramid for King Djoser. This contributed to engineering the process of building structures with shaped stones.

Engineering Development

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