Stereotypes in Reality TV

This timeline documents reality television and its various racial and gender stereotypes over the years.

This Timeline was created by Ryan Kochmann

1992-05-21 00:00:00

The Real World

The Real World plays into gender stereotypes by displaying men as "sexual gods" while women are displayed as trying to sleep with every guy they possibly can. In the show they paint the cast members as young, out of control, and wild. Also racially, minorities are under represented in the show.

2000-05-31 00:00:00


Survivor largely plays into gender roles. You have masculine men strutting around shirtless doing the manual labor for the group. On the other hand you have attractive women completing domestic tasks and arguing with one another.

2001-06-11 00:00:00

Fear Factor

Fear Factor played into gender roles. During the various challenges men would always be the ones eating the most vile dishes or completing the most cringe worthy tasks while the women would just stand and watch and scream in horror or be unable to complete the same tasks.

2002-03-25 00:00:00

The Bachelor

The Bachelor has many gender stereotypes. It stereotypes men as being tall, dark, square jawed, and handsome. It gives young men the perception that in order to get women they need to be as desirable as the man on the show. Also it portrays women as shallow and that they only go for the men who look like models.

2003-01-01 00:00:00

Joe Millionaire

Joe Millionaire had a variety of women competing for a supposed millionaire's love. In reality the man was a regular construction worker. The show played into the gender stereotype that woman only go for rich men. The women competing for the man lost all interest in him once they discovered he was not rich.

2004-06-07 00:00:00


Bridezillas plays into gender stereotypes during the marriage and engagement process. It portrays women as angry, uncompromising, and demanding. It paints up women to be control freaks and drama queens in the steps leading up to marriage. It gives people the perception that women are intolerable when involved with wedding planning.

2009-12-03 00:00:00

Jersey Shore

Jersey Shore was famous for playing on Italian American stereotypes. The show portrayed Italian Americans as loud, obnoxious, drunk, gym tan and laundry obsessed people. It gave everyone who watched a predetermined picture of what Italian Americans act like.

2010-04-11 00:00:00

Basketball Wives

Basketball Wives portrayal of African American women increases racial stereotypes. Basketball Wives shows the women as impulsive and unable to stay out of debt. Also it shows them as shallow and they're accent and how they live daily plays into the racial stereotype which leads people to believe that's how all African American women are.

2012-08-08 00:00:00

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo plays into stereotypes about white people. The show creates the "white trash" stereotype. It leads people to stereotype whites from the south as uneducated, dirty, and simple. The show makes sure to capture the family's least sophisticated moments in order to further its stereotyping of the family.

2013-01-03 00:00:00


Buckwild portrayed racial stereotypes. The cast of the show was made up of entirely white college aged students from the countryside. The show portrayed them as hillbillies with their actives and way of living. Many times the kids were shown mud bogging and drinking beer which lets everyone think that if you're from the country that is all you do.

Stereotypes in Reality TV

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