The Kitchenette

The kitchenette in the Chicago area affected many African-American families. It caused diasease, segregation and racism just by having these families in them. These living conditions were unacceptable. Yet, this is all the white society had to offer the African American people.

The Kitchenette although it was afforable for the African American Family caused more harm then helped this population.

1916-06-15 14:15:43

The Kitchenette Emerges

Kitchenette were a cheaper living space in early to late 20th century. They began as a larger aprtments for families. At one time most races were living in this cheap form of housing. Found mostly in Chicago and where most African-Americans moved to.

1920-01-01 14:15:43

The Great Migration

Aftrican American population moves North during The Great Migration from the Southern states. New York and Chicago experenced a boom in African-American population.

1939-01-01 14:15:43

World War II and The Great Depression

The Kitchenette started to appeal to the African American people because it was cheap for this family to live in and was described as The Black Belt.

1939-01-02 14:15:43

Richard Wright

Born in 1908 and was raised by a single mother. in 1927 he moved to Chicago and suffered in the Depression. 1940 Native Sun was published.

1941-01-01 14:15:43

The Effects of The Kitchenette

Studies conducted on the Kitchenette showed that these had low living standards. The African American people were living worse in these conditions compared to white people. Described in Wright's piece: Twelve Million Black Voices in 1941.

1959-01-01 00:00:00

A Raisin in the Sun

A Raisin in the Sun is on Broadway and describes the African American Family and introduces the living condtions that they had faced.

1959-05-19 14:15:43

Lorraine Hansberry

She was the first Woman and Black playwright and was civil rights activist. She wrote A Raisin in The Sun which dipicted African-American family life.

1966-09-01 14:15:43

Martin Luther King JR.

MLK Jr. Protests the living conditions in the Chicago.

The Kitchenette

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