Causes of the American Revolution

Great Britain was ordering the colonists to pay many taxes through laws like the Sugar and the Stamp Acts. Because the colonists were so angry about the taxes, a riot broke out in Boston and some British soldiers killed several colonists. Another way the colonists revolted against British taxes was to dump all the British tea into the Boston harbor. The First Continental Congress brought all 13 colonies together so they could unite and fight for their freedom.

JT Lizmi's Causes of the American Revolution Timeline (Activity #3);xNLx;;xNLx;"Heroes of the American Revolution" by David Adler

1764-04-05 00:00:00

The Sugar Act

There was a tax by the British Government on sugar. The colonists were very upset with this tax because they liked to drink a lot of tea with sugar.

1765-03-22 00:00:00

The Stamp Act

The act that the British Government made requiring colonists to pay one penny for a stamp. The colonists thought this was very unfair because every good bought and sold required a one penny stamp.

1770-03-05 00:00:00

The Boston Massacre

The British killed lots of American colonists that were at Boston. One American colonist named Crispus attacked the British but he was killed. Rocks and other things were hurled at the British. British had guns and fired at the American colonists.

1773-12-16 00:00:00

The Boston Tea Party

The colonists were very angry about the British tax on tea. There were three ships that were loaded with tea. Some Americans dressed like Mowhawk native Americans and boarded the three ships. They dumped all of the tea into the Boston harbor!

1774-09-05 00:00:00

The First Continental Congress

13 colonies came to discuss how to become free from Great Britain. The 1st Continental Congress had 56 delegates from 12 colonies (except Georgia) that met in Philadelphia. They all gathered around to talk about how to get freedom. They kept it secret so Great Britain wouldn't know they're united.

Causes of the American Revolution

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