Westward Expansion

We set out to the west hoping for a new begining, chance of wealth, cheap land, adventure, and railroads.

Westward expaniso was a time when many people were moving west for many reasons.

1847-06-05 00:00:00

As we set out.

1847 is the start of westward expansion. Many people set out to find a new beginning, cheap land, new methods of transportation, adventure, and possibility of wealth

1848-10-31 20:30:55


Railroads are being bulit by chinese.

1849-09-05 04:38:40


Many familes are being split apart and many people are being killed.

1849-10-19 05:48:21

California Gold Rush

The California Gold Rush had begun and thousands of "forty niners" charged west in search of riches and new lives.

1850-08-23 13:56:06

American leaders

American leaders treated the chinese very badly becuase they didnt care about them all they wanted was for the railroads to be built.

1851-09-22 20:07:13


Soon the chinese became angry with the American leaders and stopped working on the railroads.

Westward Expansion

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