Matt's Career Timeline

This timeline is intended to give an overview of significant experiences in my career development. I've separated content into three distinct areas for ease of understanding: Academic, Occupational, and Personal. While there is certainly overlap in these categories, I have tried to sort significant events into the category that I felt they fit best. Feel free to click on any of the events for more information and interactive content. Use the right and left arrows on your keyboard to efficiently move from milestone to milestone. Don't forget to click the 3d icon in the lower left of the screen for the best viewing experience!

1989-03-02 06:28:00


I was born two weeks later, weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs 2 oz

1990-03-13 06:28:00

A New Brother!

My only brother, Mark, was born five weeks early. In him I have what would be one of my closest companions for many years to come.

1993-09-05 00:00:00

School - Dr. Emily Stowe P.S.

I began school in Mrs. Kaplan's kindergarten class at Dr. Emily Stowe P.S.

1993-09-05 15:36:52

Jonny and Erik

Meet two of my best friends, Jonny and Erik, in Mrs. Kaplan's kindergarten class. We continue to be friends to this day.

1997-09-05 00:00:00

Grade 1 - Mrs. Found

First grade with Mrs. Found was very interesting for me. I learned that I could make people laugh and that I was interested in living things (Mrs. Found lived on a farm and brought in chickens for us to raise). I also learned about the dark-side of school (kids can be cruel to one-another). At different times I was both a victim and a bully.

1999-09-08 00:00:00

Grade 6 - Mrs. Stadler

Grade 6 was a formative year for me. Mrs. Stadler was the first teacher I ever had that really challenged me, and encouraged me to think critically. I still maintain contact with her to this day.

1999-09-08 00:00:00


Start spending time with a friend named Perry through Mrs. Stadler's class. He, along with Erik and Jonny, remain some of my closest friends to this day.

2001-04-08 22:02:59

My First Guitar

Bought my first guitar, second hand from a friend named Russ, for $35. This starts my lifelong obsession with music.

2002-07-10 06:31:40

Rockbrune Bros. Moving Company

Work part-time as a mover with my grandfather's company, Rockbrune Bros. Moving and Storage. If anything, it taught me the importance of pursuing an education so that I didn't have to be a manual labour like much of my family.

2002-09-10 06:31:40

South Courtice Arena - Custodial Worker

Begin my first "real job" as a custodial worker/"rink-rat" at the South Courtice Arena in my hometown.

2002-09-10 09:40:15

Courtice Secondary School

High school. This was an excellent learning and social experience for me.

2003-10-01 16:58:59

IGA Grocery - Grocery & Produce Worker

Worked stocking shelves and maintaining appearance of produce and grocery departments.

2004-09-01 02:25:25

Mr. Chatten

Have Mr. Chatten, a chemistry/physics teacher, for the first time. Extremely influential person in my academic development, encouraging me to develop and follow my natural curiosity and passion for learning. He would teach me regularly during the rest of my high-school career. Easily the most influential teacher I've ever had.

2004-09-12 00:00:00

Busker/Courtice High School Marching Band

Worked with my friend Jonny as a street-performer, playing music for passersby. We called ourselves the "Courtice High School Marching Band" as a jab at ourselves and a nod to our school. Made very good money doing something that I absolutely loved doing. This experience planted the first seeds of my work philosophy "only things you love doing are worth doing". I realized that a "job" need not be something you hate.

2004-11-28 23:23:29

Brittney Anderson

I've know Britt since kindergarten. What started as becoming close friends in early high school has developed into one of the most important relationships of my life. She is my best friend, my closest confidant, and most insightful advisor. She has stuck with and supported me through my greatest achievements and my darkest days. I love her and am a better person for having known her.

2005-01-20 05:59:40

Bunny's Catering

Worked as a caterer/cook/cashier for Bunny's catering in Oshawa. While I did not necessarily enjoy the work, it came with a lot of freedom, and I found it gave me an opportunity to focus on my homework.

2007-06-23 00:00:00

Graduate CSS/Valedictorian

I graduated CSS feeling very nervous but extremely excited about my future. I was nominated class valedictorian by my classmates and received a number of awards, including: Physics Award, Music Award, the OSSTF Award, and a number of others. This was an excellent day!

2007-07-01 16:17:54

Truck Driver at Ameristeel

Much like with Bunny's Catering, I found that this job was not very interesting, but it did afford me a great deal of freedom which I greatly appreciated.

2007-09-11 06:12:05

University of Toronto at Scarborough

Began my career at UTSC studying in a specialist co-op in cell and molecular biology. After Mark died my priorities shifted and I ended up graduating with an Honours Bachelor of Science with a double major in mental health studies and integrative biology.

2008-07-01 16:17:54

Truck Driver at Ameristeel (Second Summer)

Much like with Bunny's Catering, I found that this job was not very interesting, but it did afford me a great deal of freedom which I greatly appreciated.

2008-08-19 10:38:37

My brother, Mark, dies

No words can describe this horrible experience. I found my brother, dead, in his bed on the morning of August 19 2008. I was forced to perform CPR on his body for a great deal of time before ambulances arrived. He had died, very unexpectedly, due to complications of a recently discovered genetic heart defect known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The loss of my brother was a paradigm shifting moment for me. I lost my brother, faith, innocence, sanity, and family in an instant. Following Mark's death I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. These are things that I continue to struggle with. I miss my brother every day.

2009-05-01 20:03:52

Mark Vandermeer Memorial Golf Tournament

Helped found and organize the Mark Vandermeer Memorial Golf Tournament to honour my brother Mark's memory and raise money for research into HCM, the disorder that killed him. Over three events we have been able to raise over $70,000.

2010-01-04 21:04:35

St. Michael's Hospital - Research Assistant

Involved with the investigation into biochemical pathways of wound healing in kidney epithelial cells. This was an excellent experience in which I was mentored by the brilliant Dr. Katalin Szaszi. She gave me the freedom to design my own experimental methodology with the direction on how to effectively do this. This ultimately resulted in publication with the prestigious Journal of Biochemistry ( and a number of conference presentations. After being offered a position as a graduate student in Dr. Szaszi's lab I came to the realization that biochemical research was not where my passion was. I declined the invitation and decided to pursue psychology more fully.

2010-09-07 22:31:05

Meta-Analysis Study

Worked on a meta-analysis of the relationship between PTSD and cortisol.

2011-01-04 12:58:49

Research Assistant - UTSC Clinical Neuropsychology Laboratory

Working under Dr. Konstantine Zakzanis and his Ph.D. student Eliyas Jeffay, I was involved administering and scoring batteries of neuropsychological and psychological assessments as part of a research program. In addition I was tasked with inputting data and maintaining voluminous databases.

2011-03-01 12:58:49

Textbook Author

I helped to author a chapter on research techniques in studying wound healing for a textbook on medical research into metastasis. This was done in collaboration with my colleagues at St. Michael's Hospital

2011-09-01 02:43:26

Supervised Study/Undergraduate Thesis

Assessed the utility of a novel, virtual reality based, assessment of ongoing executive dysfunction in mild traumatic brain injury.

2011-09-12 00:00:00

Peer Employment Counsellor

Offered peer support and career counselling services to UTSC students through the academic advising and career center.

2011-10-01 10:24:07

General Motors Line Worker

Worked part-time on the assembly line at General Motors' paint shop in Oshawa.

2012-05-08 22:10:02

UTSC "Get Started!" Coach

Team leader/coach for UTSC's academic orientation - "Get Started!". This was the most fun I've ever had in a job. I would love to do something like this again!

2012-06-04 22:10:02

Centennial College Assessment Invigilator

I was involved with supervising incoming students to Centennial College while they wrote their college placement tests. These tests determined which level of instruction they would be required to take.

2012-09-10 20:03:52

University of Western Ontario - M.A. in Counselling Psychology

Began my graduate school career. I'm learning a lot, and hope to continue with a Ph.D. program when I'm finished my M.A.

2012-09-11 02:43:26

Master's Thesis

Currently investigating the relationship between alexithymia and secondary traumatic stress in high risk professions (i.e. counsellors, teachers).

2012-09-12 00:00:00

CMHA London Wait-list Clinic Counsellor

Volunteered as a mental health counsellor for individuals who were on a wait-list for other services.

2012-11-07 00:00:00

National Academy of Neuropsychology 2012

Presented research based on my undergraduate thesis.

2013-04-01 00:00:00

University of Western Ontario Teaching Assistant

Involved with grading student research papers for a second year psychology course.

2013-04-18 17:27:11

Robert MacMillan Graduate Research in Education Symposium

Poster presentation for my thesis research.

2013-05-01 02:43:26

E-Learning Course Design Research Assistant

Currently involved with designing interactivity into an E-learning course on student mental health for pre-service teachers.

2013-05-01 20:03:52

Ontario Graduate Scholarship Funding

Received OGS funding worth $15,000 from the Ontario government to support my thesis research.

Matt's Career Timeline

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