Tycho Brahe

1546-12-14 00:00:00


Tycho Brahe was born at Knutstorp Castle in Svalöv Municipality, Scania, in southern Sweden

1554-05-01 00:00:00

Education pt 1

Entered schools of Vordinborg, University of Copenhegen, and University of Leipzig

1560-08-21 00:00:00

Decision to Observate

An eclipse which occured on August 21 impressed Brahe enough to get interested in Astronomy in his own studies.

1566-05-16 00:00:00

Education pt 2

Entered schools of University of Rostock, and University of Basel

1572-05-17 00:00:00


Brahe made observations of a supernova. This was a "star" that appeared suddenly where none had been seen before, and was visible for about 18 months before fading from view. Since this clearly represented a change in the sky, prevailing opinion held that the supernova was not really a star but some local phenomenon in the atmosphere.

1572-05-17 05:34:28

Working under a king

Eventually, his fame led to an offer from King Frederick II of Denmark & Norway to fund the construction of an astronomical observatory.

1576-05-17 09:23:06

Uraniborg Castle

Tycho build a castle on the island Hven. The castle's name was Uraniborg after the the goddess of the sky, Urania. It held an observatory, which was filled with elaborate instruments of his own design. One of these instruments was the Tychonian Quadrant. This was a very large brass quadrant, affixed to a wall.

1577-05-17 00:00:00

Observations pt 2

Brahe made careful observations of a comet in 1577. By measuring the parallax for the comet, he was able to show that the comet was further away than the Moon.

1601-10-24 00:00:00


Tycho Brahe died

Tycho Brahe

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