Dog Racing

The history of Dog Racing

1876-04-26 22:19:21

First Dog Race

The first experimental Dog Race

1912-02-25 04:30:23


The track became oval with the invention of the mechanical rabbit, by Owen Patrick Smith

1919-02-25 04:30:23

Race track

The first professional race track in America in California

1926-02-25 04:30:23


The Dog Racing sport was introduced in England

1927-05-01 00:00:00

40 tracks

At the end of the year there were already 40 race tracks in England

1946-04-17 03:04:14

2nd world war

many people were watching just after the 2nd world war, there were 34 million paying spectators

1960-02-25 04:30:23


In1960 people begun to bet on the dogs

1960-04-03 06:08:28


It began to be less populair

Dog Racing

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