Timeline of events in Russia in WW1

Russia in WW1

1914-08-01 14:51:25

Russia enters WW1

Russia enters WW1 with about 1,400,000 soldiers

1914-08-01 17:00:00

Russia's first offensive battle

Russia charges into Prussia

1914-08-16 12:25:42

The Battle of Tannenberg

Russia loses Prussia to Germany

1914-09-03 18:08:34

Russia capture Lemberg

On September 3, 1914, the Southern Russian Army captured Lemberg, the capital of Galacia

1915-04-01 06:51:25

Germany turns towards russia

Germany decide they will not win on two fronts and turn towards Russia

1915-07-09 13:42:51

Russia lose Poland

Russia retreated from Poland on 9th July 1915

1916-01-01 00:00:00

Russia changes its millitary Leader

The Minister of War was arrested in 1916 and was replaced by Alexis Polivanov. In August, Tsar Nicholas sacked Polivanov and commanded the Russian Military.

1916-05-22 00:00:00

Russia launches its last offensive

On May 22 1916, Russian launched its second major attack in the war

1918-03-03 01:06:46

Russia leaves the war

Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and exits WW1

Timeline of events in Russia in WW1

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