Plano Parks & Recreation History

This is a timeline documenting the history of the City of Plano, Texas Parks and Recreation Department.

This timeline is being created to commemorate the department's 50th anniversary in 2018. Some dates are approximate. Images may be slow to load. There will be updates and new images added periodically, so come visit the site again!;xNLx;;xNLx;For a more interesting viewing experience, click on the 3D button in the lower left corner. Reopen the frame originally displayed in another window (by right clicking on the frame) to see the timeline in full screen mode.

1960-11-01 00:00:00

Early History

1897 - 5 acres was acquired from the Plano Fishing Club to establish Harrington Park; 1925 - land for Haggard Park was donated; 1931 - additional land was added to Harrington Park

1960-12-10 00:00:00

Original tract for Pecan Hollow Golf Course acquired

1960-12-30 00:00:00

Plano Population

Plano's population in 1960 was 3,695

1964-05-06 00:00:00

First Bond Election

$150,000 in General Obligation bonds was approved; there were 85 acres in the park system at the time.

1965-02-20 01:02:05

Schell Park

The first tract of land for Schell Park was acquired

1966-05-04 00:00:00

Bond Referendum

A $630,000 bond referendum for park improvements passes in 1966 just prior to the formation of the department.

1967-09-11 01:06:09

Authority To Create Department

In September 1967 City Council passed an ordinance (67-9-4) authorizing the creation of the Parks and Recreation Department which would be established later in 1968.

1967-10-01 00:00:00

Leased Douglass Gym

Offered boxing, volleyball, and basketball.

1968-02-03 22:10:36

Department Formed

In 1968 the City Manager acted on the City Council authority to create the Parks and Recreation Department by hiring the first director.

1968-08-01 00:00:00

First Director

Richard Austin is hired as first Director

Plano Parks & Recreation History

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