A History of Marijuana in California and America

Marijuana is one of the world's oldest drugs, but it's had a tumultuous time in America. From wonder drug and industrial power at the turn of the century it turned into a demonic drug by the 1920s. As the debate around marijuana springs up again, learn more about the history of this controversial plant.

This timeline was created as part of the [Republic of Cannabis](http://www.kqed.org/news/bayarea/republicofcannabis/), a project of the Center for Investigative Reporting and KQED.;xNLx;;xNLx;Reported by Julia Bernstein and Lisa Pickoff-White;xNLx;;xNLx;Produced by Lisa Pickoff-White

1911-04-29 00:00:00

Mass. Prohibits Marijuana

Governor Eugene Foss signs the first law prohibiting marijuana in the United States.

1936-06-01 00:00:00

Reefer Madness

"Tell Your Children" a cautionary tale of marijuana use was produced by a church group to scare teenagers. But in the 1970s it just made everyone laugh, and was subsequently retitled: "Reefer Madness."

1937-07-01 00:00:00

Federal Gov't Bans Recreational Marijuana

The Marihuana Tax Act banned the recreational use of marijuana through prohibitive taxation/penalties.

1937-10-02 00:00:00

First People Jailed for Marijuana Possesion

Samuel R. Caldwell, 58, of Denver, Colorado, became the first marijuana seller arrested under federal law. He was also the first convicted, and spent four years in Leavenworth Penitentiary.

1961-03-01 00:00:00

United Nations Bans Marijuana

The United Nations creates an international treaty to ban marijuana, along with other narcotics.

1964-06-11 00:00:00

Beginning of Modern Pharmacology of Cannabinoids

The major psychoactive constituent of cannabis, (what gets you high), D -9-THC, was synthesized in pure form for the first time.

1969-08-15 00:00:00

Woodstock Brings Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll

The famous rock concert of 1969 was meant for a few thousand people at a field in New York, but about 500,000 showed up. And just about everyone from Jimi Hendrix to Joe Cocker sang about -- or partook in -- mary jane.

1970-04-01 00:00:00


The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws forms with a $5,000 grant from the Playboy Foundation.

1970-10-27 00:00:00

Controlled Substances Act Criminalizes Marijuana

While the 1937 tax act prohibited marijuana, it did not ban it. So in 1970 the federal government clarified that with the Controlled Substances Act, which bans specific drugs from any use.

1972-03-01 00:00:00

Federal Commission Suggests Decriminalizaton

The Nixon-appointed Shafer Commission finds evidence that the "gateway theory" of marijuana use is false.

A History of Marijuana in California and America

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