
The implementation of the Google apps domain TVSD.INFO at TVSD.

2015-09-08 20:07:13

Student and staff accounts created

Students and staff accounts are created. Staff accounts are first initial+last Student accounts are year of grad+first initial+last

2015-09-11 20:07:13

Google drive adopted

The Google drive plugin now works through the TVSD firewall and therefore available on devices and computers. Users are offered unlimited cloud storage.

2015-09-11 20:07:13

Final user maintenance

Final user maintenance is completed to remove the now unuseable tv* accounts.

2015-09-14 20:07:13

Intro PD planned

Intro PD planned for SEP 25 presentations of PD to key teachers/librarians.

2015-09-23 04:08:09

Google accounts issued to staff

Staff receive instructions on logging into TVSD.INFO and are invited to view the help page

2015-09-25 20:07:13

Start of intro PD

PD on an "Intro to Google" is held during the first in-service day. Target audience is school librarians and other teachers. Pilot group is invited.

2015-10-01 00:05:43

Teachers create groups

Teachers can create groups of students to more efficiently share work/projects.

2015-10-01 18:31:51

Students are issued accounts

Students receive instructions on how to login to TVSD.INFO.

2015-10-06 18:31:51

Walk-in sessions are available

30-minute walk-in sessions go-live to grant users training opportunities in Google domain and apps.

2015-10-06 20:07:13

Cloud print testing begins

Google cloud printing services are tested in the hopes that mobile/BYOD devices can use this service for printing to certain district printers.


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