Albanian American Civic League: A History

1986-06-17 00:00:00

H. Con. Res. 358

June 17, 1986 - Congressman Joe DioGuardi introduces H.Res. 358, condemning the repression of ethnic Albanians by the Government of the Socialist Federated Republic of Yugoslavia.

1986-06-18 00:00:00

S. Con. Res. 150

June 18, 1986 - Senator Bob Dole introduces S.Con. Res 150, expressing concern over the conditions of ethnic Albanians living in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

1986-06-18 00:00:00

Congressman Joe DioGuardi Letter on H. Con. Res. 358

June 18, 1986 - Congressman Joe DioGuardi letter to Congressional colleagues on the repression of ethnic Albanians in Yugoslavia.

1986-08-08 00:00:00

Congressman Joe DioGuardi Letter to Congressman Steny Hoyer - Helsinki Commission

August 8, 1986 - Congressman Joe DioGuardi letter to Congressman Steny Hoyer requesting hearings by the Helsinki Commission on the treatment of ethnic Albanians by the government of the Socialist Federated Republic of Yugoslavia.

1986-10-02 00:00:00

Foreign Affairs Committee - Hearing on the Persecution of the Albanian Minority in Yugoslavia

October 2 & 8, 1986 - Foreign Affairs Committee - Hearing on the Persecution of the Albanian Minority in Yugoslavia - Congressman Joe DioGuardi Convinces the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Dante Fascell, to hold the first hearing on Albanian rights in Yugoslavia.

1986-11-25 00:00:00

Senator Bob Dole Letter to Congressman Joe DioGuardi on Visit to New York

November 25, 1986 - Senator Bob Dole Letter to Congressman Joe DioGuardi on Visit to New York & meeting Albanian Americans for a luncheon at Bruno's Restaurant.

1987-06-04 00:00:00

Congressman Joe DioGuardi Letter to Congressman Ben Gilman on the Plight of Ethnic Albanians in Yugoslavia

June 4, 1987 - Congressman Joe DioGuardi Letter to Congressman Ben Gilman on the Plight of Ethnic Albanians in Yugoslavia.

1987-07-15 00:00:00

H. Con. Res. 162

July 15, 1987 - Congressman Joe DioGuardi introduces H. Con. Res. 162, expressing concern over the conditions of ethnic Albanians living in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with co-sponsors Congressmen Tom Lantos & Henry Hyde.

1987-10-15 00:00:00

Congressman Gus Yatron Letter on Human Rights Abuses in Yugoslavia

October 15, 1987 - Congressman Gus Yatron Letter to Congressman Joe DioGuardi on a hearing of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations on human rights abuses in Yugoslavia.

1987-11-20 00:00:00

Congressman Joe DioGuardi Visit to Greci, Italy

November 20, 1987 - Fr. Antonio Bellusci letter to Congressman Joe DioGuardi following his visit to the Arberesh town of Greci, Italy.

Albanian American Civic League: A History

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