Path to Vision 2020

The Clark College Strategic Plan provides a framework for supporting student success in everything we do. With a focus on learning -- supported by thoughtful planning and continuous assessment -- we engage learners and enrich our region.

2013-02-01 08:38:41

College Wide Vision 2020 Exercise

Across the college groups gather to discuss their vision of Clark College in 2020.

2013-03-15 08:38:41

Vision 2020 Themes

The Vision 2020 Committee communicated several themes from the work to the campus.

2013-09-11 10:17:50

Opening Day

As part of the Opening Day celebration there was a video on Student Learning, and discussions in small groups about how individuals on campus contribute to student learning.

2013-09-13 10:17:50

Access to Learn Discussions

The small groups formed on opening day met to do a reading on what "Access to Learn" means and answer key questions.

2013-10-15 10:17:50

Access to Learn Reports

Each small group sent a representative to a large campus meeting where the feedback on the "Access to Learn" discussions were gathered.

2013-10-21 10:17:50

Environment to Learn Discussions

The small groups formed on opening day met a third time, to do a reading on what it means to have an "Environment to Learn" and answer key questions.

2013-11-12 14:49:52

Environment to Learn Reports

Each small group sent a representative to a large campus meeting where the feedback on "Environment to Learn" discussions were gathered.

2014-01-28 14:49:52

Engagement to Learn Discussions

The small groups formed on opening day will meet to discuss how to create "Engagement to Learn."

2014-01-28 14:49:52

Engagement to Learn Reports

Each small group sent a representative to a large campus meeting where the feedback on the "Engagement to Learn" discussions were gathered.

2014-02-01 08:39:54

Task Force Two Begins

Taskforce 2 – Environmental Scan: The purpose of this group is to review both internal and external data, trends, and information related to the college-wide feedback pertaining to Vision 2020, student learning, students, higher education, and workforce development to identify Clark College’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).

Path to Vision 2020

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